"You Are What You Practice - An audit to make sure your values align with your behaviors" Blog title over a woman's hands, holding a pen, working with a calendar on a clean white desk, with a hat to the side.

You Are What You Practice - An audit to make sure your values align with your behaviors

Knowing your values is great, but can you name the daily actions, behaviors, and practices that bring that experience into your life? Do you devote time, attention, and effort towards the things you value?
Is your autopilot constant stress response running the show during times of collapse and increasing fascism?
Here's a reflection practice for you to audit how well your values match up with your behaviors. If you want:
  1. Write this list and spend some time with it.
  2. Plan for 10-30 minutes for the audit.
  3. If it's helpful for you, set another appointment with yourself to make an action plan for any new habits you want to implement. 
I highly recommend you get yourself a snack, put on some chill focus music, light a candle if that's your kind of thing, make yourself a cup of tea, grab a pen and some paper, and dive in, reserving any judgment of good or bad and allowing yourself to evaluate your data objectively. 
Make a list of the values you hold for yourself. Read through and narrow it down to the top 5 most important to you. Make a column for each of your top 5 values where you list all the actions you consistently take and parts of your routine where those values are expressed and experienced through behaviors that allow you to practice your values and intentions. 
You could audit a whole day if you wanted and see how many of your actual choices and things you spend time on align with the values you aspire to. 
You can then list specific routines, practices, and actions you want to take as new ways to devote more time, attention, and energy to practicing your values.
If you'd like to take it further, you can make an action plan to implement one new habit at a time, slowly, throughout the rest of your year, life, whatever.
You can also work with a coach to help you get past the typical places you get stuck, ways you talk yourself out of change, or ways you give up when you can't maintain some inhumane level of unattainable perfection. I've included different ways to work with me below.
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