SOS Coaching
1 hour coaching sessions, a la carte.
Get out of:
😩 overwhelm
😰 panic & stress
😔 feelings of failure
🤬 difficulty communicating
🤕 struggling to know what you need
stop taking systems of
oppression personally, remember how capable you are, & get clear actionable steps so you know you've got this.
what you get:
60 min phone or video clarity coaching session
- action items for moving forward
- 5 minute or less practice videos to support you after the call
- brief notes from our conversation
- call recording
who this is for
SOS Coaching is for you if you are:
feeling super overwhelmed
We will talk through what's been causing your stress, give you embodied practice with tools that will get you immediate relief, strategize a plan for how to care for yourself in an ongoing way so your overwhelm does not become persistent, and strategize the next steps you want to take after our call to address this in your life.
You will feel better on the call and leave feeling more capable.
behind on projects you promised to yourself or others
We can talk through a strategy to get started, strategies to stay engaged and actually get to done, how to make sure you follow through and implement it in your life, plan out when you will take each step, help you set up reminders, or ever have you spend time on the call getting started if that feels like what's most needed.
You will leave the call with a clear, actionable plan that you know exactly how you want to follow through on, so it is easier for you to hold yourself accountable and actually complete what needs to be done.
have a review coming up with your boss you want to prepare for
We will get you ways to manage any nervous energy you have going into this meeting. On the call we can:
- brainstorm what you want to highlight about your performance
- what you'd like to improve on
- anything you want to address in the coming year
- strategize how best to talk to your boss about how certain challenges went
- give you scripts to advocate for yourself if that's something that feels helpful to you
had a recent fight with your partner you'd like to make sure you learn from and know how to repair
Whether you caused the harm or were harmed, we can help you get clear on
- how you feel
- how you want to communicate with your loved one about what happened
- how to advocate for the care and repair needed to restore trust and safety
- next steps for you to take outside of session, if needed, to make sure the same harm doesn't happen again
wanting to get through a particular season or project without having a bunch of panic attacks
We can give you experiential, embodied practice for what to do if you feel a panic attack coming on around this same issue again, so you know how to lessen the intensity, severity, and duration if needed.
We will talk through why things are feeling so intense for you, actions you can take to alleviate that intensity i(n both the coping sense and the personal responsibility sense), so you leave the session confident it won't be as bad as it has been in the past and you know how you are going to get through it.
struggling with mental health
If you have noticed your mental health slipping and want a pro-active, actionable care plan for how to get yourself feeling better, we can make sure you leave the call feeling better, with a clear, tailored to you plan to keep it that way.
I am talking things that you know will work for you, not the blanket statement one sized fits all things you see all over ig that leave you feeling even more hopeless and alone in the dark.
have a challenging situation with your children and want to collaboratively find the best way to handle it with mutual respect
You will get no "my way or the highway" answers here.
I have a background in early childhood education, teaching, and extensive training in coaching parents that centers children's personhood, wisdom, and autonomy.
So if you are wanting to unlearn ways of relating to your children that are rooted in domination & control that most of us were brought up with, I would love to strategize how to talk to your kids like they are full, beautiful, glorious humans who can collaborate with you in making your relationship better for everyone involved.
getting stuck in repetitive thought loops that leave you feeling worse
If find yourself getting caught in thought loops: thinking about things over and over again, or ruminating on things that have already happened, we will talk through a strategy for how to interrupt those patterns, break that habit, and get yourself focused on something more helpful.
are going through a life transition like changing jobs, moving, or ending a relationship
This is a great time to get support. You don't have to wallow, get stuck, or figure it all out on your own. Your brain is primed for neural-plasticity and building new connections during times of change. We will help you make the most of it, move through the challenging emotions that might come with it, and leave with the unshakeable sense that you are going to be ok.
Maybe you can't afford frequent coaching but having support occasionally would really help with life's oh shit moments.
If longer term coaching doesn't work for you for some reason, SOS Sessions get you
help when you need it most.
We can't fix the world in an hour. You will still have problems. and.
You will leave feeling capable, get relief from worry, or overwhelm on the call, and have clear next steps for moving you forward.
I'd love to support you in surviving and thriving during times of collapse.
Why SOS Coaching?
These sessions are low commitment.
You aren't signing up for six months of regular work with me.
You get help just when you need it most, and can continue to use the action plan, and practices as needed on your own.
It's up to you to follow through with the things we discuss -
we both know you can do that.
At the start of the call, we will discuss what you want to make sure you leave our session with, and then spend our time focused on getting you the outcome you want & set you up for success on your own.
Our session is tailored to your brain's needs, and any suggestions I make, or practices we give you will be too.
You may be surprised that when we work together, I'm not going to give you a bunch of productivity hacks so that you can find peak performance without stress —
you're not broken and there's nothing wrong with you.
We will help you better accommodate your needs, find ways you can change your environment to support you in whatever it is you need to do, and make sure you know what your plan is going forward
so you can get back to being human and appreciating the beautiful glimmers in your life.
With SOS Coaching, you get a clarity coach as a partner to overcome challenges, no matter what's up in your life right now. It feels good not to go it alone. Here's what clients who have worked with me have to say:
“I feel way less overwhelmed. I got actionable tools I can use to help
myself going forward, and I have a clear plan to help me start using
them. It all feels totally doable now.” -
"Lissy is warm and professional. We've developed a real relationship, she really understands me. Her advice and techniques are incredible. 10/10"
"Working with Lissy has been an absolute game changer for me. Every time I talk through situations with Lissy, she has always been incredibly well equipped to provide practical tips and solutions to make real improvements - both at work and in my personal life."
If you're like most of my clients, You are overwhelmed, feeling behind, and generally stressed out. You might describe yourself as drowning or burnt out, and find yourself not talking about it with the people who love you because you don't want to bother them or have anyone find out what a fraud you are. Bonus points if you find yourself up at 3 am googling symptoms of ADHD after you "somehow" wound up on the neuroqueer side of tiktok.
What do sessions look like?
Each session is emergent, so no two sessions are exactly the same. We can just sit and talk, or you can check the list below for other ways you can use sessions. I work with informed consent, meaning I will ask you what you are wanting and stick to that. I will check with you before I offer anything and you are always encouraged to say no when that's what is right for you. Here are some ideas for what we can do together during a session:
make yourself tea or go for a walk on our call
Walk and talks are very helpful for folks. You don't have to be at your desk, inside, or taking notes the whole time. You are not working! Doing your human tasks that help you feel good while we talk sometimes makes coaching more effective, because you are doing your own work to regulate you are more able to take in the information.
somatic exercises to help you learn to attune to and care for your nervous system
Get embodied practice so you know what works for you, and get moments of peace, release, and ease on the call.
discuss how to approach a difficult conversation with a loved one while we do self care skin treatments on video together
Doing the things that help you feel good is always a good idea, even on a coaching call.
strategize ways to make difficult self or family care easier. you can make a smoothie on a call to get a new routine established and brainstorm ideas for flavor combinations, or do meal prep while we talk
I worked as a line cook for years and later had a catering company with my then partner doing farm to table food & events in the Bay Area. I am also a neurodivergent human with not enough spoons. I promise I will have ideas for how to make food prep, home care, and little daily life tasks be easier.
create a care plan for yourself while dealing with disability, the medical system, health insurance, or changing capacity levels
Medical care in the US is a massive nightmare to navigate. If you have never had to do that before, or have had bad experiences with it in the past - having a plan for appointments, scripts you can use with providers, and ways to advocate for yourself can make it easier on you while you are there and more likely you will get the help you need.
talk about ways to adapt your environment to make your life easier, so you can stop berating yourself for doing things you feel bad about constantly.
Sometimes, the problem is less about "oh my god what is wrong with my why can I never do this" and more about, "hmmm. there must be a reason I am not doing this. how can we make it easier? how can we change things around in your space so that you are more likely to do it, or it's more enjoyable to do? what needs do I need to meet before I can do this?"
tarot pulls, pendulum work, ritual and ceremonial ideas for how to move through grief and other challenging emotions
We can give you practices to develop your intuition, a plan for how to actually remember to use them, and ideas on how to get clarity on your own in daily life.
learning new ways to relate to, care for, and listen to parts of you that need your attention through a focusing practice
Focusing is the name of a specific theraputic modality. It's a way of learning to be with the parts of us that have really big feelings, without merging with them, losing all our other resources, and being taken over. It's about allowing, listening, and really hearing them, without needing to let them run our whole lives.
make therapeutic art with whatever materials you have available with a prompt for your specific context
strategize ways to get community care so you can have more of your needs met (we can help you figure out what those are too)
When in session with me, you have:
who can be:
- an outside observer on your life
- an impartial person to share with
- a mental health professional that will never pathologize you
- someone with decades of training and study to help you problem solve, shift your perspective, accept your reality, and decide where to go from here.
I specialize in working with folks who have not had great experiences with therapy in the past and want to work with someone who will actually tell you what they are thinking.
I will be a fierce advocate for you in your life, work, family, and relationships - even the one you have with yourself.
I will offer reminders of the bigger context - ways systems of oppression are contributing to your day to day challenges, so you can shift how you are relating to repeated struggles, get more comfortable being uncomfortable, and start to advocate for yourself outside of our work together.
Sometimes, we don't have access to knowing how capable we are, how amazing we are, how wonderful we are.
I know ALL humans inherently can be all of these things, and am always coming into session seeing you as the competent, wonderful human you are. This is where my coaching stems from. I offer gentle reminders as needed to help you remember how to believe in yourself.
You have made it through ever single hard thing you have ever experienced so far, and will absolutely get through this.
You know what's right for you better than anyone else.
If you're not sure about this, or want specific ideas of how this might work for you, send me an email or a dm. I would be happy to answer any questions you have with no pressure or expectation. coach@lissydonovan.com
If the following sound familiar, SOS Coaching is for you
you have a hard time starting new habits or making changes on your own
If you’re someone who wants to be able to do a resolution kind of thing
but you usually lose focus and willpower after about a week, this is a great to jump start the year.
you are keeping yourself in a holding pattern because you can't figure out how to do it perfectly, yet.
You are human. This life is very far from perfect. We can work with the way it is, imperfectly and get you started working towards that goal, or making that art
We will help you change the way you're thinking about how challenging parts of life feel right now, so you won't be terrified anymore.
you want to feel better, fast
We can help you get back on track, quickly.
Seriously, just signing up for this
will probably have you thinking a little differently about continuing to hide from your tasks.
you want action items coming out of a mental health appointment so you know how you are going to keep feeling better
You want a mix of evidence backed strategies and intuitive, heart
centered care to get you over this rough moment and feel like things are flowing again.
Here's exactly how it works
Let's keep this super simple, you have enough to deal with that's complicated.
Complete your checkout purchase
You will get an email & a text from me by the next business day inviting you to schedule your session.
Complete short intake form
Fill me in on what you need to be working on & what's been getting in the way before we meet, so we can jump in when we are live together.
This can take anywhere from 5-15 minutes, depending on how much detail you go into.
Let me know what you've tried, what has worked for you, & what hasn't worked for you so we can get you what you need ASAP in our meeting.
Get on the live call with me
We will spend a few minutes building raport, setting expectations, and making sure you feel comfortable when we get on the call. Then, I will check in to find out exactly what you want to leave the session with, so you feel at ease knowing you are in charge of where we go in the session. We go from there, and I follow your lead without you having to know exactly how it's going to go or feel like an expert on getting help. I promise this will feel easier than it sounds. I make sure you get what you want on the call, discuss any plans you want to make for supporting yourself on this topic after the session, and end with checking in and getting some feedback.
Session notes
You will get session notes from me, short videos or audio recordings of any practices we discuss, and next steps for yourself going forward (if that's your thing). You can get a recording of the call by request, but need to let me know that before or at the start of our session.
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Gift an SOS Coaching Session
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What do I need to be able to do this?
A phone connection that works reliably is the bare minimum, and all we really need to do this. If you have a reliable internet connection, we can do a video call via zoom.
Do i have to know what I want to get out of it?
It will help both of us be successful for you to know what you are hoping for in this session, and it is totally ok if what you are wanting is to talk, be heard, be seen, get validated, and have someone ask if you want suggestions. If you know you need support, that's clear enough for me.
Are you sure one session with a coach can actually be helpful?
Yes. Between my coaching training and background in consulting, you are in very good hands.
Having someone who knows how to break and create habits share information tailored to exactly what's challenging for you in the moment can do so much!
Do you offer ongoing support after sessions that's shorter than your 6 month package?
Yes. Triumph is a 1 month 1:1 clarity coaching package that allows you to message with me daily to help you with implementation, getting started in a new habit, changing behaviors, dealing with stress, or follow up from whatever we discussed in our SOS Session.
Can I tell you what I need and only get that?
Yes! I love when people tell me what works for them. Happy to
accommodate what you know would be most helpful to you, as long as it's not telling you how much you suck. -
How is coaching different from therapy?
Coaching tends to be more behaviorally focused, meaning it can be a bit more actionable. We talk about feelings in coaching but we are not going over the past with a fine tooth comb the same way you would in therapy.
I will always let you know if what you want to work on is outside my scope of practice, or how a therapist might be able to help you in a different way with the same issue we address in our work together.
As a coach, I am more free to give my opinion and be a full human being with my clients. I always ask first, but if you want to know what I am thinking, I will tell you.
"I am so glad I booked this session. I feel way less overwhelmed, I got actionable tools I can use to help myself with this now and in the future, and I have a clear plan to start doing this thing I have been wanting to do, but couldn't figure out. Now, it feels totally doable."
client testimonial