
a one month clarity coaching super boost for distracted humans who want to get through on your to-do list, so you can feel good about having fun in your life again.

text and voice messaging with your 💥 clarity 💥 coach so you can:

✨ get free from overwhelm,

✅ get your to do list done

🗝 lock new habits in place

☺️ feel good about yourself again

🎉 have more fun with your loved ones

🎨 make that creative practice you have been day dreaming about doing for ages a reality for yourself this year.


5 days a week. one month. no long term commitment.

find your focus & your fulfillment.

Stop beating yourself up & allowing your stress to run your life.

you can do the things you've been avoiding - sometimes, you need a little extra support. get what you need to follow through & feel good about yourself again.

Enjoy more connection with loved ones. Get free from stress & overwhelm so you can create & be present in the sweet, little, daily moments you've been missing.

In Triumph, you won't get tons of homework from me.
We will make sure you actually get through what you've been putting off.

If you're into it, you will get short, 3
minute or less ways to care for your nervous system to make doing the
thing more possible for you, as needed, completely tailored to your neurotype and what works best for you.

who this is for

Triumph is for you if you are:

feeling super overwhelmed

behind on projects you promised to yourself or others

avoiding an ever growing list of things, causing you increasing & excessive stress

freaking out about upcoming deadlines

wanting to get through a particular season or project without having a bunch of panic attacks

struggling with mental health and starting habits to help you feel better

telling yourself you can never start and stick to new goals

You are so sick of how things have been going for you lately, it's
exhausting. You need things to change yesterday, but you have no idea how you are going to do that on your own - nothing's worked so far.
You know you can do the things you are ignoring, but you are so late or
behind that you just can't seem to deal with how you feel when you
actually try to do them.
You need an added layer of accountability so you actually do the things you say you're going to do.
You might also need someone to help you strategize exactly what needs to happen when and how you're going to get past the wall of stress that blocks you from diving in and getting things done.

 In Triumph, you'll have a clarity coach in your pocket to help you actually do the things you want to do and work through any obstacles that pop up.

What Triumph Offers:

🌟 Daily Check-Ins: Start your weekdays with a
supportive partner. Identify what needs to happen, discuss potential
obstacles, and plan the how of crossing tasks off your list.

🤝 Strategic Support: Have someone to help you
strategize your day, navigate stress as it comes up, help you reframe
negative thinking, and provide reminders of your capabilities when you
need them the most.

🚀 Personalized Accountability:  a personalized approach to help you stick to your goals, without the pressure, judgement, or shame.

Signal is a secured messaging platform, so you know you can say whatever you want, without having to think twice about it. 

  • “I feel way less overwhelmed. I got actionable tools I can use to help
    myself going forward, and I have a clear plan to help me start using
    them. It all feels totally doable now.”

  • "This was an incredibly useful service, from an expert, patient, and
    caring coach. As a person who struggles intensely with internal
    motivation, having external accountability was an excellent support to help me achieve my goals in the short term. At every step along the way, she had tools, suggestions, feedback and approaches to not only help me in that moment - but to practice building the skills that will
    help me over the long term."

  • "Working with Lissy has been an absolute game changer for me. Every time I talk through situations with Lissy, she has always been incredibly well equipped to provide practical tips and solutions to make real improvements - both at work and  in my personal life."

1 of 3

Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to remind you: 

how to care for your nervous system when you're freaking out about that deadline (or anything else)

how capable you are in moments you might have forgotten

help you re-frame old, unhelpful thoughts you have about yourself and your process of getting things done

what it is you said you wanted to accomplish yesterday...just in case

You know what's right for you better than anyone else.

If you're not sure about this, or want specific ideas of how this might work for you,  send me an email or a dm. I would be happy to answer any questions you have with no pressure or expectation. 

Triumph will work well for you if you answer yes to any of these questions:

Do you have a long list of projects but often feel like you don't know what the heck you need to be doing with your day?

No problem.

We can check in in the mornings to help you identify what your priorities need to be each day, talk through when you are going to make it happen, how you are going to do that, what might get in the way, and things that can help you get through today's version of the list, reliably.

Are you scattered, with a to-do list that seems never-ending?

Having a regular practice of checking in, identifying what needs to be done only today, what the micro step to get started is, and how to make getting through it more tolerable for you will help you do this on your own, long after this work together ends.

We will help you learn to focus, so you can implement with more ease.

Do you crave a change but feel stuck, unsure of where to start?

Having a thought partner who has helped literally thousands of people start new habits can get you the clarity you need around what your first steps look like, plan for how you will take them, obstacles you might face, and ask you if they got done so you can actually be accountable to yourself.

& if the following sound familiar:

you have a hard time sticking to new habits

If you’re someone who wants to be able to do a resolution kind of thing
but you usually lose focus and willpower after about a week, this is a great to jump start the year.

you're worried people will find out what a fraud you are

You are human. It's not the worst thing if people find out. And. 

We will help you get things done, and change the way you're thinking about how challenging parts of life can be for you, so you won't be terrified anymore. 

you want to feel better, fast

We can help you get back on track, quickly. 
Seriously, just signing up for this
will probably have you thinking a little differently about continuing to hide from your tasks.

you want to be sure you actually implement this time

You want a mix of evidence backed strategies and intuitive, heart
centered care to get you over this rough moment and feel like things are flowing again.

Here's exactly how it works

Let's keep this super simple, you have enough to deal with that's complicated.

Complete your checkout purchase

You will get an email & a text from me by the next business day inviting you to join signal and start chatting with me.

Meaning, if you sign up on a Monday, we will be diving in head first to helping you knock things off your to do list on Tuesday.

Complete short intake form

Fill me in on what you need to be working on & what's been getting in the way. Let me know what you've tried, what works for you, what hasn't worked for you so we can hit the ground running and get you more of what you need immediately in our messaging.

We will hit the ground running and give you a clear, actionable plan to get started - the day after your sign up is completed.

I know you don't have time to waste.

We immediately jump into problem solving, venting, helping you regulate emotionally around whatever you've been avoiding next business day.

Whatever it is that would be most helpful to you starts the business day after you complete your sign up.

4 weeks of support

You will have support from me 5 days a week for 4 weeks in this offer. You will be building new neural pathways, and the skills you need to do this on your own, long after our work together has ended.

If you want more, you can sign up for another month and we will keep going.

Triumph - 1 month of daily messaging with your Clarity Coach

Triumph - 1 month of daily messaging with your Clarity Coach

You get 4 weeks of text and voice coaching, starting next business day with your
- clarity coach - 
so you can:
✨ get free from overwhelm,
✅ get your to do list done
🗝 lock new habits in place
☺️ feel good about yourself again
🎉 have more fun with your loved ones
🎨 make that creative practice you have been day dreaming about doing for ages a reality for yourself this year.

📱5 days a week
🗓one month
🎯no long term commitment

Regular price $300.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $300.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
View full details
  • What do I need to be able to do this?

    Signal app is available for mac,
    windows, iphone, and android. You will need to download it in your
    preferred place and have internet/phone access.

  • Do i have to know what i need to get done?

    It will help both of us be successful for you to know what you are wanting to get done, what new habit you want to establish, or what
    projects need to be completed.

    We can help you clarify, get more
    detailed, prioritize, and implement. You don't have to know the how,
    just the what. 

  • Are you sure messaging a coach can actually be helpful?

    Yes. Between my coaching training and background in consulting, you are in very good hands.

    Having someone who knows how to break and create habits share information tailored to exactly what's challenging for you in the moment can do so much!

  • Can i book a one time session with you to deep dive on some of my challenges and use Triumph to focus on implementation?

    Yes. I have 60 min SOS Coaching sessions available if having a live
    conversation would help you clarify steps for yourself, so we can focus
    on making it happen and anything that gets in the way in our daily check ins. This is not required.

  • Can I tell you what I need and only get that?

    Yes! I love when people tell me what works for them. Happy to
    accommodate what you know would be most helpful to you, as long as it's not telling you how much you suck.

  • What are your response times like?

    I check in in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings on weekdays. I do not give immediate responses.

    You will hear back from me the same business day whenever your message is sent before 6pm mountain time.

Stop struggling. You've totally got this. Join today, and get started the next business day. Get relief on day 1. Get small wins, start making progress, and start feeling better from the moment our work begins.

"I am now more able to handle the daily challenges and stress and have the focus to stay on track with my clients and staff. Lissy has the ability to listen and witness my progress and offer the perfect comments to assist my learning."